Prayer: A Pursuit of Intimacy

"Prayer should not be regarded as a duty which must be performed, but rather as a privilege to be enjoyed, a rare delight that is always revealing some new beauty."
- E.M. Bounds

Prayer can seem like a confusing thing. Sometimes we pray so hard and intentionally for something, gathering all the self-proclaimed "prayer warriors", and nothing happens other than a deep sense of disappointment. Other times, it seems so simple. A quick prayer and God does the thing we asked and hoped for. Cue the rabbit hole of questions: Does God answer prayers? Does He answer some prayers, but not all? Does God sometimes just answer a prayer with "no"?

I hear people say things like, "Well, we prayed and God showed up and did a miracle!". But... where was God the rest of the time? The moments outside the miracle? Others say things like, "Well, you just have to understand that God is going to do what God is going to do".Well, then, why pray at all?

But what if we're looking at prayer all wrong? What if it's not about rubbing the genie's lamp or puzzling a magical incantation, worded just right so that we get what we want from God. What if prayer is not the pursuit of stuff, but the pursuit of intimacy with God.

I am guilty of using God as a means to an end. The end being what I want or need, and every time I fall into this trap I miss the joy, beauty and treasure that is afforded to me through the single act of prayer.

Here's the truth: Jesus is the End. And Prayer is the Means.

Prayer, in its simplest form, is the pursuit of intimacy with God. But, how do we pray? Something that has been so helpful to me in my prayer life is the use of the acronym, P.R.A.Y. (I wish I could take credit for making this up, but it for sure isn't an original thought).

PRAISE: Start by telling  Jesus who He is to you. Thank Him for what He is doing in your life. Worship, reflection and gratitude get your heart in the right place as you begin connecting with God in prayer. It’s puts everything into perspective. (Ps 100:1-5)

REPENT: This is simply admitting to God your faults - where you have chosen to be the captain of your own life instead of letting Him be Lord. It’s saying you're sorry for not trusting Him enough to walk in obedience. You were created for relationship with God. Repent is “coming home”.
(Isaiah 6:5)

ASK:  Jesus wants to know what is on our hearts and He wants to meet those needs. Nothing is too big or too small for Him. Be honest.  He is a good father and friend. (Phil 4:6)

YIELD: (Pause): The easiest part to forget, but arguably the most important step. Take time to pause and listen to what God is trying to tell you in the silence. (Ps 46:10)

Church, I pray that you have a sweet and intimate prayer life with Jesus.

Your friend,
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LaShaude James - January 18th, 2022 at 4:13pm

This acronym is so helpful.

P.R.A.Y. = Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield

Georgie Munoz - January 18th, 2022 at 4:44pm

That's a good word, Drew! Thanks for sharing.

Katy Loraley - January 18th, 2022 at 5:01pm

So good. This has opened up a lot of rly sweet convos within our House Church.